Join two prominent voices in healthcare, Simon Noel, CNIO at Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT and Dione Rogers, Deputy Chief Nurse & CNIO at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals at the new AI & Data conference event on 30-31 October in London.

Together, they will unfold a comprehensive vision of integrating AI into nursing, midwifery and other clinical practice, enhancing patient care, and simplifying intricate processes like design, complex data analysis, decision support systems, and documentation.

A data-driven revolution is gathering pace and is reshaping our future healthcare. This is a critical time to show up and join the expanding nursing environment. Be a part of the journey in leveraging transformational AI and cutting-edge analytics reshaping healthcare landscape.

“In the evolving landscape of the NHS, AI stands as a beacon, transforming the intricacies of design, data, and decision-making. As we envision a future where technology seamlessly integrates with nursing, midwifery and other clinical practice, it’s clear that AI’s role isn’t to overshadow, but to uplift, ensuring that patient care remains at the heart of progress,” says Dione Rogers.

Join us on 30-31 October at London’s Business Design Centre to be a part of key discussions that will impact the future of nursing in the NHS.

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