Explore the transformative potential of AI and data in reshaping mental health care. Unpack the advances in AI that are improving mental health care, and discover the role of data in supporting admission pathways.


Arden Tomison

CEO & Founder, Thalamos
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Stefano Goria (Dr) photo

Dr Stefano Goria

Co-Founder & CTO, thymia
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Male Stand-in

Greg Hudson

Digital Mental Health Transformation Lead, NHSE London
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Umar Nizamani

CEO – International, NiceDay
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Dr Max Rollwage

Director of AI & Research, Limbic
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Chair: Stacey Hatton

CNIO, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT
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October 30 @ 13:45
13:45 — 14:30 (45′)

Arden Tomison, Dr Max Rollwage, Dr Stefano Goria, Umar Nizamani

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