This week we shine a light on three outstanding new AI and Data speakers selected from over 130 submissions to our call for presentations.   

Representing three organisations leading the thinking around the use and development of intelligent AI and data-driven solutions, do not miss the chance to hear from them directly.

Prof Julia Manning heads up the Royal Society of Medicine’s Digital Health Council. Prof Manning will examine the potential consequences of AI and data on the health ecosystem. Hear her explore the impact on patient relationships, sustainability, education and materialism as essential to intelligent AI development and retaining professional and patient trust in deployment. 

Nell Thornton works as the Improvement Fellow at The Health Foundation. Nell will explore NHS staff and public attitudes toward AI, crucial for its success amid recent developments. There will be a deep dive into evolving attitudes, demographic differences in AI support, and what policymakers need for responsible innovation.

Yesmin Begum is the NHS ELFT Public Governor, NIHR PPI Representative. She will explore how patient and public involvement (PPI) drives healthcare innovation and discuss the critical role of patients and the public in shaping healthcare policies, research, and services. Yesmin will show how active engagement in healthcare initiatives drives innovation, patient-centered solutions, better quality, and community trust.

Join Yesmin and other speakers, along with 2000+ attendees, at AI and Data 2024, October 22-23 at London Olympia—free for NHS, charity, and education sectors.