Explore the latest developments the use of data, analytics, machine learning and AI.

Join thousands of your digital health peers for the sector’s popular two-day conference and exhibition dedicated to the UK’s multi-faceted data-driven digital health revolution.

Following a hugely successful inaugural show, Digital Health AI and Data returns promising more national keynotes, expert and original speakers, NHS best practice sessions, educational case studies, innovative start-ups and high-quality networking opportunities.

Join us to collaborate with healthcare providers and planners, researchers, academics, established industry leaders and exciting start-ups to harness AI and data to transform NHS services and improve patient outcomes.


AI and Analytics Stage

The conference programme will include a mix of keynotes from policy, clinical and industry leaders and explore NHS case studies spanning AI, data, and analytics, keynotes from clinical professional and policy leads

AI and Analytics best practice case study sessions – grouped into 3 case studies plus panel from open call, AI digital health 2030 – future gazing, developing the data science and AI workforce, achieving ROI on AI investments in health, debate: deploying at scale, AI Bake-off – extending Rewired session concept.

Data and Research Stage

Keynotes from industry leads in life science, pharma and health research, Cancer research UK, British Health, foundation HDR, Welcome Sanger Institute, data and Research best practice case study sessions – grouped into 3 case studies plus panel from open call, large scale data research environments, particularly evolution of, trusted Research Environments, health data regulation and ethics, debate: do we need an independent NHS Data Bank?, HDR and BHF initiative, programme curated with APHA.

AI Start-Up Showcase


Mental health

Clinical decision support

Intelligent workflows



Connect with the NHS leaders driving the AI and data revolution


Meet the data-driven start-ups making waves across healthcare


Tap into the expertise of 50+ exhibitors


Digest the latest policy announcements with colleagues and new connections


Be part of the conversations shaping the future of health AI and data


Engage with speakers and attendees and learn from their expertise and experience.